
Garmin Catalyst

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R19,799.10 R21,999.00
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Garmin Catalyst is an industry-first virtual racing coach and driving performance optimizer1 that’s changing the world of motorsports. It mounts in the cockpit to gather your performance data and provide real-time audible coaching. Immediate session analysis helps drivers of all levels achieve their full track driving potential. Groundbreaking True Track Positioning™ technology uses built-in accelerometers, 10 Hz multi-GNSS positioning and image processing to automatically generate your car’s racing line on the track. Plus, our revolutionary True Optimal Lap™ technology shows your best achievable time, based on lines you actually drove and can repeat. While on the track, hear real-time coaching cues through a compatible headset or car stereo. After your session, use the touchscreen display to immediately review your performance data and see your major areas for improvement.
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