R 7501

RAM Defense Pepper Stream 100ml - Shrink Wrap

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R142.83 R178.54
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Ideally you would not like to find yourself in a dangerous situation where you need to protect yourself from an attacker, but in our day, in our country, rather be prepared than not. If you are looking for a nonlethal self-defence product than the Ram Defense Pepper Spray is a popular and effective choice.
Ram Defense Pepper Spray is as OC (oleoresin capsicum) spray. Made from nontoxic and non-flammable materials, the oleoresin capsicum is a chemical derivative of very hot peppers. When sprayed with this the attacker will feel extreme pain and burning as the spray comes into contact with the skin, eyes and mucus membranes. This irritation to the senses is a very effective way to stop or deter a physical attack. Once your attacker loses the ability to attack you will have the chance to escape and find safety.
The length of the effects vary from person to person however in tests done the attacker was unable to carry on the attack for at least an hour (effects were still felt well after 3 hours later).
Ram Defense is currently available is both Stream and Fog options, and in both 60ml and 100ml capacity.
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